Wooden Bridge at the Bolsa Chica Wetlands
One of my favorite places to shoot is at the Wooden Bridge at the Bolsa Chica Wetlands in Huntington Beach. The pedestrian bridge is located at the Bolsa Chica Ecological Wetlands on the north side of Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach. The bridge is not very long, but it does span the width of the wetlands lagoon. At certain times of the day, its the perfect place to do a quick photoshoot with your friends or family members.
Keep reading on and I’ll link to the exact location on Google Maps. Here’s a few tips about the location so you don’t bother the animals, other people or the environment when conducting a photoshoot.
1 – Photograph during the week
Avoid the weekend crowds, shoot only during the week. The parking is small on the PCH side where the bridge is located. On weekends its full and the bridge gets lots of visitors. You won’t get the shots you like with so many folks walking and being in the background. So just avoid weekends all together.
I prefer to shoot during the week. In the morning between 8am-11am is best. You get that beautiful light coming in from the east. I have shot in the afternoon, which is ok too, mornings are best.
By shooting in the morning, you also avoid the crowds of tourists, especially in the weekend. But note, there are lots of wildlife photographers there too, so be courteous and don’t get in their way or make loud noises which can scare off wildlife. People who hike and walk the wetlands also have priority, so allow them to pass easily and don’t make them feel like they need to hurry. The bridge belongs to all, so be patient.
2 – No softboxes or off camera lights
I recommend traveling light and not use off camera lights or softboxes. Besides taking up so much space on the bridge and annoying others, it also scares off wildlife and will cause someone to complain. Not only to you, but they may complain to the keepers of the wetlands who can ask you to leave or worse give you a citation.
Avoid using an assistant if you can. Or ask the assistant to stay far back and watch from a distance so not to clutter the bridge. Many visitors to the Wooden Bridge at the Bolsa Chica Wetlands, love to stand by the edge and just look at the birds. That is their right and to do so without you making them feel like they need to move so you can take your photos. By not having so much equipment, you’re chances of accidently dropping it on the lagoon and polluting it is far less.
I usually take two camera bodies with two different lenses on each. One camera with the strap and the second clipped on my belt with the Peak Design clip. I’ll add a basic strobe flash, diffused and will have it on camera or hold it on one hand while I’ll shoot with another. Yeah, I’m that cool.
Below are a few shots of Emily Probst during a shoot on the Bolsa Chica Bridge.

3 – Shoot in Fall and Spring
The weather can be tricky at the Bolsa Chica Wetlands. It’s all open space, so mornings can be chilly. And afternoons can have harsh light from the sun. Remember, there is NO shade at or near the bridge.
Fall and Spring will also avoid the summer crowds of tourists. The light is also nicer around that time of the year. And if you shoot in the winter, you may get the snow to show up on the mountains behind Los Angeles in the background. That’s an extra treat!
Below is Megan Felix during one of our shoots. I’ll post more of it on a later article.

4 – Choose appropriate outfits
Even though the Bolsa Chica Ecological Wetlands are near the beach, it is not on the beach. So be sure to pick outfits that your subjects feel comfortable wearing and complimented by the surroundings. I’m not saying don’t shoot in beach wear, but rather keep in mind the weather and the time of year when choosing clothing for a shoot at this location. It really does make a big difference.
Also, there are lots of critters around. The reserve is full of birds, lizards, snakes…yes I said snakes, especially in the spring and summer months. But on the bridge, you should be ok. I hike that whole area with my wife and I’ve ran into rattle snakes on the trail, it is not uncommon. There are postings everywhere there to be on the lookout.

Finally, take your time and have fun shooting the wooden bridge at the Bolsa Chica Wetlands in Huntington Beach. Take your family for a walk, and capture some fun times exploring this cool little hideaway spot in Orange County. If you’ve read up to this point, then you’re rewarded with the exact location to the parking entrance so that you’re only a few feet away. Here is the location on google maps.
Be sure to keep up with all my update on the main blog page.
The bridge at the wetlands is beautiful, especially in the early mornings. I took my two kids and had my own mini shoot there last week.
That location you pointed out for parking is the perfect spot, it’s right next to the bridge. Thanks for adding the google maps coordinates, it makes it so much easier to find.
BTW, your photos are beautiful!
Yes, the first time I went to the Bolsa Chica Wetlands looking for the bridge, parked on the wrong side of the wetlands and didn’t realize the correct parking spot is on the PCH side. Glad the Google Maps link helped.
Thanks again!
Wow, beautiful photos. You captured the models, bridge and the area so well. Most photoshoots I’ve done on a bridge have lots of people on it and it’s very hard not to have them in the background. But yours are clean. As if you had the bridge to yourself.
Thanks! Yes, most of the time popular scenic bridges like the one at the Bolsa Chica Wetlands reserve do get lots of visitors, especially in the weekends and summer. I try to avoid photographing during those times. It’s always best to shoot during the week, mornings and for best weather stick to spring and fall. Those periods are perfect for family, gradation and bridal photos. Just remember that other wildlife photographers and regular bird watchers/hikers are also walking by. Best practice is to give them priority and don’t disturb them or make them feel like they need to move out of the way, because they don’t. The wetlands belong to all and always be kind to others when shooting on the bridge.
Can we setup an engagement photo session here. I prefer your style of photos than the traditional over exposed cookie cutter samples I’ve been seeing from other wedding photographers. Just love the photos from this bridge! I know exactly how I want my engagement pictures to look like!
Yes, Gabby, we can setup a shoot! Check your email, I sent you a message. In regards to the style of photos I take, they do tend to be more like glamour/magazine quality than the traditional engagement/wedding photography photos. Each have their own preference, we can also take/edit photos that way, but I prefer our style, seems more “high end”, or at least I think so!
Thanks again for your kind words and I look forward to working with you! If for some reason you didn’t get my email, feel free to reach out on my Contact page at the top!
So can anyone take photos at the Bolsa Chica Reserve?
Yes. For personal use and yourself, you can take photos here. However, just like many public places in California, you normally need a permit for commercial use. If you are taking video for example where it involves drones or other equipment and its for commercial use, then you need a permit. If you’re taking your family and shooting some family photos and don’t need any additional equipment other than your camera, then for the most part no permit is needed. That’s why its important to always travel light and not disturb others. But always check the official website for the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve for more details.
Know of any other similar bridges in Orange County?
This is probably the longest bridge/walkway in Orange County that spans water, but I can’t say for sure. Its certainly one of the more unique ones. Mainly due to the wetlands that surrounds it all.